Saturday 28 August 2010

mini album giveaway

Hope i've popped this link in successfuly as i'd like a chance to be in the draw for some mini book giveaways from life andtimes of a 12 x 12 addict...I loved the post about her son doing good in his exams it's made me reflect.

......third time lucky i think i've managed the link now...i've wanted to know how to do this for ages...

Minis that remind me i'm a mum

I browsed through these two minis , i've lots of them i tend to create them from paper bags and there are quite a few in my blog entries ...I created these some time ago and they remind me 'i am still a mum' son is so grown up know it great for him and part of my journey to 'let him go' but right now i do miss that little boy who was so eager to have me as his play pal and depended on me...This 4 x 4 mini i made this time last year when he'd done his exams and was moving into sixth form ...the other is an a5 project over quite a few years where i followed one of Shimelle's classes it is crammed with thoughts and reflections on things that evoked emotion in my son over the years... i sooo love looking at shows him loving his chocolate Lebinz biscuits..him actually looking relaxed..i snapped him multi tasking once with the phone cocked under his chin whilst he tried to get his socks on still wrapped in his duvet but arranging to go out with his friends (he spends more time wrapped in the duvet than clothed!) and him walking away but keeping his temper when i made him walk with me! There's such a lot of journalling in here from me and i hope it'll be in his keepsake box forever and give him a few laughs when he is forty!
I have one i must finish for him.. a football one ...he loves his football and i've some great piccies i must put in the album i created a couple of months ago ...i thnk this bank holiday i may just take a break and do that one...I love being a mum..

I need my rose tinted spectacles

My son turns 18 next birthday...i feel a little reflective as he has been on my mind a lot recently.... there is some hard work ahead regarding him applying himself to his A level courses ...My hubby and i are so lucky to be able to be in some sort of position to support him he is our only one... i feel a little sad when i analyse the present job market, the expense of living and the inequity there is regarding those that are financially and socially advantaged and those that are less advantaged...i see it every day at work ...I tend to see the world through rose tinted spectacles.. it has always been my saviour and allowed me to avoid cynicism and burnout... there are some amazing examples of those who do so well regardless of some awful situations but it is soooo hard for them.... if i could have my wishcasting wednesday again i would wish to fill them with optimisim and aspirations for the future... to be all they want to be or do all what they want to do or simply see what a great job they are doing regardless of the terrible time they might be having...I wish the government could see what they are doing though i am trying not to slide in negativeness but the present climate is going to cause a lot of problems for a lot of very vulnerable sections of society and i'm seeing it start now.

Wednesday 25 August 2010

Wishcasting Wednesday

Thankyou to Tara Joyce for the encouragement she gives and all those connections through Tara and the I am proud to be an innerpreneur' website....Jamie Ridlers website is a truly wonderful inspiring way to feel positive and progress with your dreams thankyou soooo much i'm making my first wish....

My Wish for Wishcasting Wednesday is to sleeeep i wish for some nights of sweet healing sleep to prepare me for the changes ahead......

Monday 23 August 2010

Julia's albums

Some after piccies of an album i created for my lovely friend Julia.

before i personalise i create a basic book shape and dsign with the colours and themes requested:

Saturday 21 August 2010

mermaid name!

Couldn't resist this one i've followed a link to a mermaid name generator, thankyou Yasmindeboo...

Your mermaid species is: Green Harbour Watcher

Her Latin name is: Viridans Ostia

Brown hair, vivid green tail, hair and dorsal fin offering good disguise in weed beds.

A gregarious, friendly subspecies, the Ostia is often seen swimming near to small harbours and is fond of catching the bow waves of boats, playing alongside dolphins and other porpoises.

Thursday 19 August 2010

My very own seashore album

I've created this album for myself to capture some of my seashore musings and memories of beachcombing..and watching the waves throughout all the seasons.I hope to show it again crammed with memories.I've arranged to go to Whitby for my birthday this will inspire me ....I love Whitby...Can't wait mum we'll have a lovely trip!

Erte Album

Decorating this album was a real joy...the papers i prepared myself from silhoutte fairies disc and then cosmic shimmer mists on white matted on black to the inside as removable photo mounts i've still to work on some flourishes and altered art to the inner pages..however my inspration is in the cover and I'll be returning to the album when i have some days off in September....

Sunday 15 August 2010

Sunday 8 August 2010

spring card

Recovering from a cold this weekend just managed my one card with delightful 'Erte'.Added a small pocket in which to slide a 'travel' themed tag, although a greek Goddess of love i think the card might be a nice keepsake for an lover of the sea and travel.Love this seahorse paper...and basic grey swirls clear stamps are great to use on these seashore projects as they are so 'seafoam like and swirly'..its hard to see them on this card as used them on pannels at sides of diamond shaped front.

Tip: if the topper is heavy the card is less springy i've reinforced the gusset on this one and may need to reinforce it enlarged the design template so have to get an 8x8 expandable envelope or make my own for her!if anyone has any ideas or a template for an expandable evelope would love to know about it.

Friday 6 August 2010

inspirational words

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity.... It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow. ~Melody Beattie

Thursday 5 August 2010

sping card

I have just created 4 spring cards to decorate this weekend(to celebrate surviving my first 3 days back at work after my beach holiday)...they'll have an oceans and seashore theme and were inspired by 3D Jean's websites delightful sring card with a vintage seaside this space i'm tring to put the link for the blogspot on my side bar...there's so much great inspirational stuff here.

Tuesday 3 August 2010

ERTE - Sea Goddess

I have just painted up a few imgages of this gorgeous stamp..she came from Canada and i am creating a special album with a lot of mermaid images in it she will take pride of place...Its the first time i've 'gone to town' using my copics and cs paints...oooh i could have carried on all night however i am back to work tomorrow.. a reality check it's time to think about an early night.

p.s.My tip is emboss the they can then be used with pens and paints.I like to use black versafne and clear emboss there is less bleeding of colours.

albums to peruse

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