Sunday, 18 August 2013

Albums to pass on

I have been sorting through some of my lovely little albums this weekend...its nearly time for children to return to school and I always feel the need to move some of my albums on at this time of year....... my son is older now and although I'm scrapbooking his cheeky lads holiday snaps as a surprise I no longer have the sweet holiday memories and the school milestones to keepsake...instead I find myself browsing through old scrapbooks and his All about Me albums I've created over the brings some sweet thoughts and feelings and is one of the reasons why I love the scrapbooking process so much....It has also been a process by which I've supported his progress and change throughout the years and the albums have been a way of affirming and acknowledging precious simple moments, aspects of his personality, character and his friendships and encapsulating love, quirky observations and I could go on .....I've also loved creating these albums for others I'm putting a big thankyou out there and offering a giveaway of a boys or girls album to the first two people commenting n this post.Please comment and give me an email to contact you on and then I will post an album to you as soon as possible ........big thankyou's out there xxxxxxxxx

Some little handmade journals

I completed these at the weekend ....the A4 gorguss notebooks are simple and hand stitched I hope to put them on ebay and offer to personalise them with name or a title for scrumptious altered canvas hand stitched journals will go in my Etsy shop after a few finishing touches....i plan to add some small beads....

Memory Keepsake Album

Monday, 5 August 2013

Handmade journals in progress

Am hand sewing some signatures into a canvas cover altered with a scrumptious postcard and mixed media on canvas.....loving my evenings stitching these wee albums....