I have been browsing so many blog spots and sites for inspiration in creating a calender and some sort of household planner ( i added most of the blogspots and websites to my favourites so take a look by visiting the sites linked to my blogspot and search for them).Well here is my idea for 2009 I have modified a sweet little calender template with my own choice of cardstock to mount photo's on from throughout the year.My plan is then to create an album simular to 'A picture is a thousand words' I created a simple one of these for my son way back last February and the link is still on www.shimelle.com. The cardstock blocks are all the same size and co-ordinate in colour (I think)...I would also like to include a samll journalling block to scribe memries from that month ...now that's forward planning.. not one of my strong points but 2009 is to be a turn around on that score as I've decided I'm going to become more organised with my scrapbooking and enter a few more challenges and be adventurous.