Time has whizzed by this weekend...I've gotten up early to keep being as productive as last week!... i'm wondering how long I can sustain this level of activity for but for now I'm celebrating the fact that I managed to create the 'fluffier bow' that Bev had a link to on her blog spot..alhtough I need a little more practice it did not look like Bevs gorgeous one (I've not figured out how to include her link in the text here but her blog will be in my favourites) .. and I've been colouring in my Magnolia and Bear-iations stamps feverishly....Hubby and son are wondering what I'm turning into.So in between cooking, shopping, cinema,the footy run and sunday lunch here are some of my creations...I've a couple of albums in my thoughts and have a day off in February so hope to be able to create two Tilda albums again...and the small keepsakes I'm reminded of for my nieces Tionge and Nana (sorry Mayase they will get to you soon).

Hey! they're gorgeous. Love those ribbon flowers too.
Lou x
wow !! I was going to try making one of those bows then chickened out ha ha !! you did a really good job !! well done you !!
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