Sunday, 10 February 2008

Inspired by Art...

I've started to alter a little book I purchased from a charity shop... It came about as a project for this evening... and had a little therepeutic value..Last week and the week before had not been the best weeks at work in history but Thursday I found myself having my lunch break in Saltaire and had a peruse around the gallery there.. it was like a little Oasis in the middle of my desert. I'd written a journal entry about it and then thought it was time to start and decorate this little book and add some snippets/copies of art work by artist I feel a real connection with... I started with J W Waterhouse.. Ophelia I haven't finished the pages yet but this is my little art journal!! There's always a little bit of light and sparkle no matter what sort of week your having you just have to stand still enough and breathe to find it....

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